School of Marxism successfully held the Second Cloud International Academic Conforence “New Forms of Human Civilization from a World Perspective” on 29-31 October, 2021. More than 80 experts and scholars from 12 countries and regions invited to the conforence.

The theme of the workshop is “100 Years: Chinese and International Perspectives”. 2021 is the centenary of the establishment of the Communist Party of China. This cloud workshop with purpose of improving the mutual understanding of Marxism in different parts of the world.
The opening ceremony was hosted at 14:50 on October 29, 2021. Professor Cong Yufeng (the Dean of International Office,DUT ) made a brief address on the statement of international exchange and cooperation of DUT. Professor Chen Xiaohui (Secretary of Party Committee of School of Marxism, DUT) delivered a friendly opening speech to welcome all the scholars.

This conforence has many attractive sessions, which include keynote speeches, presentations by scholars, Young Scholars Forum etc. You can get more information from the following conference agenda.
keynote speeches, CST 15:30-17:00, 2021.10.29
Ø Professor Han Qingxiang, Party School of the Central Committee of C.P.C, A comprehensive and accurate understanding of “the new road of Chinese modernization”.
Ø Professor Radhika Desai, Geopolitical Economy Group,University of Manitoba,Geopolitical Economy: The Marxist Discipline of Pluripolarity.
International Presentations, CST 17:00-21:30, 2021.10.29
Ø Colin Mackerras, Emeritus professor at Griffith University, Australia, Coexistence Between Two Great Civilizations.
Ø Professor Shen Zhuanghai, Wuhan University, The profound meaning of “created a
new form of human civilization”.
Ø David Bates, Professor at Canterbury Christchurch University,Global Exploitation:
Some Remarks on Hardt and Negri.
Ø Kazashi Nobuo, Emeritus professor at Kobe University, Japan,The “Way” as Institutions and Collaborative Capitalism :Confucian Heritage in Modern Japan.
Ø Professor Hong Xiaonan, Dean of School of Marxism, Dalian University of Technology, The meaning of “new road” in the new road of Chinese modernization.
Ø Catone, Chief editor of Marx Ventuno, Marxism and new forms of human civilization.
Ø Associate Professor Guan Wei, School of Marxism, Dalian University of Technology,
The Significance of the New Road of Chinese Style Modernization and its Positive Role in the World Socialist Movement.
Ø Associate Professor Antonis Balasopoulos, University of Cypress,“Determination and the Concrete: Briefly on the Political and Ontological Underpinnings of the Phrase ‘Socialism with Chinese Characteristics’”.
Ø Associate Professor Qu Hong, Associate Dean of School of Marxism, Dalian University of Technology , The Important Value of “New Form of Human Civilization”——A Comparative Analysis Based on Mouvement Des Gilets Jaunes.
Ø Associate Professor Stefano Azzara, Department of Humanities, University of Urbino
Carlo Bo, Italy, The role of Marxism in China and the great convergence.
International Presentations , CST 15:00-21:00, 2021.10.30
Ø Researcher Jin Minqing, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, The totality and emphasis of Mao Zedong's four modernization strategies.
Ø Researcher Wang Lisheng, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, On the new form of
civilization of “Confucian tradition - communism” from the perspective of Chinese road.
Ø Researcher Pan Jin’e, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Party diplomacy has made important contributions to the creation of a new form of human civilization.
Ø Professor Sean Sayers, Emeritus professor at Canterbury Christchurch University, The
Rational Kernel of Hegel’s Dialectic.
Ø Professor Chen Jinlong, South China Normal University,Four meanings of the new
form of human civilization.
Ø Professor James Crossley, Professor at St Mary’s University, UK, The English Peasants’ Revolt and New Forms of Human Civilization in History and Interpretation.
Ø Carlos Martinez, Carlos Martinez, Chief editor of Creating the Future, UK; Editor of
Friends of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, Lenin and the Limitations of Capitalist Democracy.
Ø Professor Ye Guiping, City University of Macau, Anthrop-civilization:Research on
Macau Paradigm and the Vision of Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind——Reflections on the Cultural Development Path of Macao Special Administrative Region.
Ø Professor Fang Yumei, Associate Dean of School of Marxism, Dalian University of
Technology, The strong leadership of the Chinese Communist Party is the fundamental guarantee for creating “a new path to Chinese-style modernization”.
Ø Associate Professor Song Liang, School of Marxism, Dalian University of Technology, The three dimensions of the new form of human civilization.
Ø Professor Michael Dunford, Professor at University of Sussex, UK.,Common prosperity
Ø Dr. Ma Yilun, School of Marxism, Dalian University of Technology, Value Implication of Party Diplomacy Cultivated with Great CPC Building Spirit in the New Era.
Ø Professor Alan Freeman, Professor at Geopolitical Economy Group, University of
Manitoba,Hubris A materialist analysis of the Columbus myth.
International Presentations , CST 15:00-21:00, 2021.10.31
Ø Professor Shao Yanmin, Jilin University, The Socialist Market Economic System and the New Form of Human Civilization.
Ø Associate Professor Chamsy el-Ojeili, Victoria University of Wellington,Utopianism
Without Hegemony: Liberal Atrophy and the Rise of Post-Fascism.
Ø Professor Pang Lisheng, Dean of School of Marxism, Northeast Normal University,
The meaning of new civilization of Chinese-style modernization.
Ø Dr. Tamara ProsicMarie, Monash University, Australia,Marxist Social Anthropocentrism and Ecology.
Ø Professor Duan Hong, Dean of School of Marxism, Harbin Normal University,To build a community with a shared future for mankind and create a better future for people around the world.
Ø Professor Xu Fengzhen, Dean of School of Marxism, Harbin Institute of Technology, The Theoretical Contributions and Practical Requirements of the Two Combinations Theory.
Ø Professor Wang Huili, School of Marxism, Dalian University of Technology,A
Sustainable Community of Shared Future for Mankind: Origin, Evolution and Philosophical Foundation.
Ø Professor Roland Boer, School of Marxism,Dalian University of Technology,What Is a “Rules-Based International Order”?
Ø Professor Roland Boer, School of Marxism,Dalian University of Technology,What Is a “Rules-Based International Order”?
Ø Associate Professor Hannes Fellner, University of Vienna, The Marxist perspective of Leibniz’ commune bonum.
The closing ceremony was hosted at 20:40 on October 31, 2021. Professor Hong Xiaonan (Dean of School of Marxism, DUT )summarized the significant value of this cloud workshop. He explained the worldwide meaning of the socialism with Chinese characteristics, Chinese modernization and a new form of human civilization, and looked forward to the third cloud workshop.