At 20:00 p.m. on Nov.12,2021, Professor Roland Boer, from Dalian University of Technology’s School of Marxism, was a keynote speaker at the TV program “The Chat Room” of CGTN.

The topic of this episode is “What's your definition of democracy?” When the word "democracy" comes up, what's the first thing that pops into your mind? Is it human rights, referendum or freedom? Undoubtedly, democracy is a shared value of humanity. It is universal, but also specific. Due to the difference in historical nature, culture, institution and level of development of different countries, democracy is not like cola, which can be produced with one formula and taste exactly the same across the world. Roads to democracy are totally different, different people have different understandings of democracy and obtain various methods of achieving it. This episode of The Chat Room invited scholars and youngsters from different parts of the world to discuss their understanding and expectations from democracy.
Professor Boer made a detailed and in-depth analysis of his definition of democracy. He said that democracy is not an end ,but a means. We should provide more the experiences, practice and theoretical reseach of chinese democracy in other language in order to help person to understand it. Chinese whole-process people’s democracy made great successes because of centuries of experience of CPC.