The academic forum “Youth Cultures in a Globalized World: Developments, Analyses and Perspectives” successfully held in Lignano Pinetta, Italy on September 17, 2019. More than 50 experts and scholars from 7 countries and tegions invited to the academic forum. Four Faculties of School of Maxism of DUT, Associate professor Wang Jia, Associate professor Jiang Bingquan, Dr. Liu Pengfei and Dr. Ma Yilun Attended this academic forum.
This academic forum examines the relation between the phenomenon of globalization changes in the lifeworld of young people and the development of specific youth cultures It explores the social political economic and cultural impact of globalization on young people Growing diversity in their lifeworlds technological development migration and the ubiquity of digital communication and representation of the world open up new forms of self representation networking and political expression which are described and discussed in the book Other topics are the impact of globalization on work and economy global environmental issues such as climate change political movements which put nationalism first change of youth s values and the significance of body gender and beauty The book highlights the challenges of young people in modern life as well as the way in which they express themselves and engage in society in culture politics work and social life.
Four faculties of School of Maxism of DUT delivered speeches. Associate professor Wang Jia “Discourse on the Youth Network Patriotism Under the Circling Stratification”. Associate professor Jiang Bingquan “The Contemporary Value of Youth Education in the New Era”. Dr. Liu Pengfei “ The Influence and Guidelines of Network Subculture on the Ideological Education of Teenagers”. Dr. Ma Yilun “The Characteristics of the CPC’s Party Diplomacy in New Era”.

Four faculties of School of Maxism of DUT visited the Vienna training base of Austria Social Democratic Party and attended international symposium “China-Europe Social Development”. Our faculties made comprehensive introducation about our ideological and political courses and had in-depth discussion on the topics of Chinese Diplomacy Polices, the Belt and Road Initiative, the development of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.